Ffos Las Racecourse
Drainage installation
The Ffos Las Racecourse drainage was originally installed in 2009 when the Racecourse opened. However, after 7 years of pounding by approximately 11,000 horses the effectiveness of the originally installed drains were substantially reduced. As a result, the surface above the drains were compacted. Ffos Las has approximately 2 metres of annual rainfall therefore it is essential that the racecourse drainage is 100% effective all the time.
The Directors of Ffos Las therefore decided that the drainage system needed renewal and hence took the decision to place a contract for this renewal in the summer of 2016. Inscapes won the contract in competition with other specialist national drainage contractors.
The work involved careful planning, accuracy and timing which all made a significant impact on the end result. For example, the work included sand slits to all areas of the racecourse, every lateral drain throughout the course was to be excavated to a specific depth, and the surfaces had to be compacted and refilled/clean/reseeded. Dismantling and re-erecting fences, transporting materials to the deposition. The racecourse was then examined to make sure it was fit for racing with no surface stones.
More recently Inscapes were contracted to undertake another drainage installation. The work consisted of installing excavated sand slits to take the excess water away from the surface down to the main system and lateral drains below, topdressing, vertidraining, and seeding.