Installation of primary drainage systems, either designed by others or by our own in-house team, are installed using the latest in GPS and Laser Grade technology. This allows our skilled operatives to install accurately to plan and avoid waste, keeping projects on budget and also improving installation times.
Drainage trenches are excavated using our own AFT Whizzwheel Trencher fitted with Laser Depth Control. Excavated spoil is removed via sportsfield conveyor into Inscapes own dumpers (fitted with LGP tyres). This allows us to cart excavated spoil without compacting/damaging existing grass or newly profiled formations. Perforated drainage coil is laid directly onto crumbfree bed.
There are various options for secondary drainage available, the correct choice depends on the intensity of the primary drainage system. The key with any secondary drainage system is to make positive contact with primary drains and/or a free draining subsoil.
We can advise on the correct system using our in-house experience as well as assessing existing soil quality.
Sandslits are excavated slits 250-300mm deep by 50-60mm wide. Generally installed at 1-2m centres across primary drains set at 5-7.5m centres. They are carried using Inscapes own Whizzwheel Trencher mounted on our Tractor c/w extra wide LGP tyres to ensure compaction is negligible.
Excavated spoil is removed via sports field conveyor into Inscapes own dumpers (fitted with LGP tyres). This allows us to cart excavated spoil without compacting/damaging existing grass or newly profiled formations.
Gravel is placed directly into the whizzwheel sports field hopper via our gravel kart, ensuring the integrity of the trench is maintained.
The slits are topped with approved sports field sand/rootzones using tractor towed single chute hopper which accurately places material to the right level.
Sandbands are installed using our own Blec Vibromaster which installs sand at 250mm centres in forced slits, these suit primary drains installed at 3-4m centres.
All our tractors are fitted with LGP tyres and utilise GPS technology which helps us to maintain accurate meterage, as well as line and level.